Sunday, August 26, 2012

Ignorance and Extremism on Parade

Dana Milbank on the Rethuglican platform:
"Taken as a whole, the platform makes the Republican Party appear angry, inward-looking and more than a little paranoid. No less a Republican than Reince Priebus, the national committee chairman, tried to insulate the party’s nominee from the GOP’s own policies. 'This is the platform of the Republican Party,” he told MSNBC. “It’s not the platform of Mitt Romney.'”

No wonder the Rethug hierarchy and Willard's campaign want to keep the platform under wraps as much as possible and distance themselves from it: it's a petri dish of extreme right-wing conspiracies ("Sharia law"), nostrums (tax cuts for the wealthy, gold standard, creationism), and small-bore meanness (no abortion exceptions for incest, rape or health of the mother, self-deport those undocumented immigrants) that are more 1812 than 2012. It's up to the Democrats to lay this out for the American people over the next 2 months, and not let Willard slither out of complicity with its authorship.

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