Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Rethuglican War on Women, Cont'd.

If anyone thought Todd "I'm Achin'" Akin's views were an aberration in the Rethuglican / Stag Party, you'd be wrong. A nut ball Rethug teabagger by the name of Tom "Rapists Are Daddys Too" Smith is running for the Pennsylvania Senate seat now occupied by Dem Sen. Bob Casey, and he's here to tell you that a child conceived in rape is pretty much the same as a child conceived out of wedlock (except for, you know, the...um...RAPE) because there's a daddy involved.

Smith's remarks couldn't have come at a worse time for the Rethugs, who are in the process of crowning a busily Etch-A-Sketching Willard "Mr. Mo' Shambles" Romney. Willard is trying to hide his radical positions (and those of his running mate) on women's issues after the Akin debacle last week, hoping that the undecided voters (especially women) won't notice. Too late, the secret's out, and the members of the Stag Party will continue to step on their dicks message because it's in their nature.

BONUS: And, unfortunately for them, it's written in their party platform for all to see.

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