Charles P. Pierce today on the meme the Rethugs are anxious for the media and the public to buy into: Willard "Romney Hood" Romney, Leader of Men:
"In Massachusetts, he tried to lead the Republican party to a larger presence in the state legislature. It lost seats instead, after which Romney pretty much gave up leading the state entirely, except for a whole passel of vetoes that he cast with 2008 in his eyes that the legislature laughingly overrode. He was as much the passenger as the driver on health-care, and that doesn't matter because he doesn't want to talk about it any more. He tried to lead the Republican party in 2008, and the result was that he was hotly loathed by every one of the other candidates. This time around, he was gifted with more money than several gods, and a Republican primary field that had gone completely to the zoo, and he still wound up being led around on a leash by every crackpot in his base. There is not a single principle that he held while running in Massachusetts that he still maintains today. In his political career, he has shown every sign of someone who does not lead, but is led."
Reminds us of the t-shirt captioned, "I'm Their Leader, Which Way Did They Go?"
(Photo: Work those mom jeans, Mittens, work 'em!)
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