Sunday, October 21, 2012

Mendacious Mitt Cartoon of the Day

(click to enlarge)

Serial liar and empty vessel Willard "Binders Full of Women" Romney knows that honestly stating his proposed policies would drive voters away. He's comfortable with lying about his positions (and those of his reactionary running mate), as long as they move him closer to being elected, and it's working. He's being rewarded by a bump in the polls.

This is the price democracy pays for its low information "swing" voters (and a cynical, compromised political press corps that rarely calls the Rethugs on their lies for fear of being labeled "biased").

BONUS: A good related piece on the problem the entire Rethug party and right wing have with reality.

(cartoon: Clay Bennett, Chattanooga Times-Free Press)

1 comment:

  1. You have to read Under the Banner of Heaven and you will see that lying is one of the principles of the Mormons - it is ok to lie if it helps you achieve your objective - lying is a legitimate tool. The book starts out being about a heinous crime, but is an excellent history of that group. P.E.C.
