Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Willard's Continuing Makeover

With his Etch-A-Sketch plan in high gear, plutocrat prevaricator Willard "Weathervane Willard" Romney has shifted positions on tax cuts for the wealthy, on health care, and on other issues in an attempt to disguise his and his party's extreme right wing positions. Now, it's women's reproductive health. After lying in an interview with the Des Moines Register that, "There's no legislation with regards to abortion that I'm familiar with that would become part of my agenda", Willard's staff had to walk back his new position to one more in line with his party's reactionary policy toward women's' reproductive rights:
"Gov. Romney would of course support legislation aimed at providing greater protections for life."
Willard has clearly made the calculation that the rabid right wing base of his party has nowhere to go in November and will vote Rethuglican even if the candidate were a head of cabbage, their hatred of the President is so consuming. Thus, he feels free to lie, shift, misrepresent and dodge in order to convince enough undecided/low information voters that he's not the clueless, coreless job exporter that he really is. The next few weeks will be a test of voters' tolerance of deceit on Willard's part.

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