Friday, November 23, 2012

God Says You're A Jackass

American Talibangelist leader Pat "Ayatollah Assahola" Robertson has what he thinks is a "conversation with God" every New Years. His prediction last January made it sound like God was planning a Rethuglican win. What a surprise that long-time Rethuglican party hack Robertson would "hear" that.

Well, God was pulling a fast one on the old reactionary when he gave President Obama and Democrats the decisive win in November. Here's the way Ayatollah Assahola explained it:
“So many of us miss God, I won’t get into great detail about elections but I sure did miss it, I thought I heard from God, I thought I had heard clearly from God, what happened?”
What happened was your brand of "Christianity" isn't Christianity at all, so God isn't speaking to you. Your "Christianity" is a narrow-minded, uncharitable, selfish and intolerant front set up to fleece the gullible who send their $5 in to your network so that you'll "pray" for them. You're part of the "Conservative Entertainment Complex" as David Frum so accurately described it, and this time you got caught listening to yourself, not God.


  1. I place the whole damn blame for Hurricane Sandy
    squarely on the slouching shoulders of Pat Robertson.
    Hmm .....where have I heard THAT line before?
    Well, never mind.
    Obviously, it was only a matter of time
    ...before God, in her inscrutable wisdom,
    got really really really pissed off at Pat Robertson
    for having the gall, the sheer arrogance,
    of claiming to speak for her ...
    just babbling at the mouth,
    time and time again.
    A direct pipeline to the Almighty!
    God did this, God told me. God loves that, God wants this.
    Hey, like it was ENOUGH already!
    Trust me. Sandy was her way of saying:
    Shut the F**K UP Pat!
    No one ever said that she was a just God, did they?
    Just look around .
    You don't need me to tell you that.
    And please don’t forget to drop a few coins in the collection plate as you leave.
    Oh, in case you’re wondering- no- I’m not a member of the 666 Club.

  2. Robertson is one of the most prominent examples of how religious faith can be perverted through the hands of a political huckster. Falwell was another who used his pulpit to push political causes.

    Thanks for commenting, stanchaz.
