Saturday, December 8, 2012

Is We Larnin' Frum Fux?

A study by the Intelligence Institute, a conservative organization, has found that viewers of Fux News have average IQs of 80 (AVERAGE!), some 20 points below the U.S. average IQ of 100. Of course, we're shocked, shocked! at this news.

Fux is not only dividing and damaging the nation, as the quote below notes, they're rotting what's left of the wing nut mind.

BONUS QUOTE: Here's what the lead researcher had to say:
"Less intelligent animals rely on instinct when confronted by something which they do not understand. This is an ancient survival reaction all animals, including humans, exhibit. It's a very simple phenomenon, really; think about a dog being afraid of a vacuum cleaner. He doesn't know what a vacuum is or if it may harm him, so he becomes agitated and barks at it. Less intelligent humans do the same thing. Concepts that are too complex for them to understand, may frighten or anger them."
Yep. That's the Fox "News" viewer (a.k.a., Rethuglican base) in a =cough= nut shell.

: Our source, Rising Hegemon (who picked this up from Under the Mountain Bunker) a bit on whether this is a bona fide study. We must admit there are some possible "tells" that this is a spoof. But, interestingly enough, it conforms closely enough to other studies of the Fox "News" viewership that one could easily take it at face value. Caveat emptor.