Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sunday Cartoon and Read

Frequent blind squirrel Dana Milbank has a piece on retiring teatard hero Sen. Jim "Demented" DeMint (New Confederate Party- Secessionland) and his move to the Heritage Foundation. After ticking off some of DeMint's more deranged views, Milbank offers this:
"But it’s difficult to see how these views, and DeMint’s crude expression of them, fit with Heritage’s mission as 'a research and educational institution' dedicated to finding 'solutions to contemporary problems from the ideas, principles and traditions that make America great.'

"Such as: keeping gay men and unmarried women from being teachers; throwing around words such as "tyranny' and 'socialism'; attempting to 'break' an American president and accusing the other party of a Nazi-style 'power grab.'

"If DeMint is the right man to be running this prestigious policy shop, perhaps the resident scholars at Heritage should be researching this question: Is thought dead?"

Then there's this more direct commentary (click to enlarge):

(Cartoon: Jim Morin, via