Friday, December 21, 2012

NRA: The Answer Is More Guns

We just witnessed the most cynical, disgusting and dishonest "press conference" in memory. We probably shouldn't have been surprised that the National Rampage Association sent their top officials out to read speeches, with suitably mournful faces plastered on, refusing to take any questions. The most depraved of them, worthless sack of crap Executive Vice President Wayne "Bullets for Babies" LaPierre, spent the entire time saying that the media, video games and lack of armed guards in schools were the problem. Not a single word on ammo clips, background checks, assault weapons availability, nothing. His defiant speech was interrupted twice by demonstrators who shouted that blood was on the NRA's hands, and that they're "killing our kids."

Since the NRA's "answer" is to put armed guards in every school, one wonders what about shopping malls (where guards already do patrol) or churches or movie theaters where people congregate and have been shot recently? Is arming every last American the answer? It's the answer for the NRA. The cruel irony is that Columbine High School had an armed sheriff's deputy when the shooting there occurred. We think even the most dedicated gun owner would have found Bullets for Babies' performance disturbing in its absolute refusal to consider even the most mild forms of gun safety/control.

BONUS: If you're not of a mind to read every deceitful, dishonest, immoral word uttered by LaPierre, here's Charles P. Pierce's summary:
You have to give Wayne credit. He didn't cut the whiskey with water. We need more guns in schools. Gun laws don't work, not even registration, but we should register all the mentally ill, because the mentally ill don't have a few million dollars and a lobbyist like Wayne LaPierre dedicated to gutting the law that would register them. The media should stop lying and being ignorant and engaging in a massive cover-up of the existence of Kindergarten Killers. Congress should immediately empower retired cops and firemen and put armed guards in every American school, although Wayne doesn't know fk-all how we'll pay for it, but, boy, those guys are really brave. Guns don't kill people. Deranged people kill people. "Bad guys" kill people. Grand Theft Auto kills people. American Psycho kills people. (Lock up Christian Bale, especially now that the Dark Knight cycle is over.) "The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is with a good guy with a gun."


  1. the NRA is fucking nuts

  2. And they proved it beyond question in their shameful show today. They are unworthy of dialogue.
