Friday, December 21, 2012

Obama To Nominate Kerry Secretary of State

Ever since Ambassador Susan Rice was smeared and denied a chance at nomination for Secretary of State, the name of Sen. John Kerry (MA) has been circulating. Today, it's been confirmed that President Obama will nominate (oh, crap) Kerry in the near future. His nomination should sail through the Senate (maybe he should hug bitter old man Sen. Grumpypants McCain for his cynical support).

This, of course, will have Rethugs gleeful over the prospect of winning Kerry's Senate seat by running Scott "Centerfold" Brown, who just lost to Sen.-elect Elizabeth Warren. Off-cycle elections don't favor Dems. The Rethug base is highly motivated and turns out in greater numbers than Dems. That's how Centerfold won the Senate seat in the first place, when Sen. Ted Kennedy passed away and a special election was held.

When the White House is not negotiating with themselves over the "fiscal cliff," they're handing the Rethuglicans a potential Senate seat. But why stop there? Perhaps they should nominate a dozen or so Dem Senators to vacant Administration positions and just hand the Senate back to the Rethugs.

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