Friday, December 21, 2012

Rethugs Sink Their Own Plan

It's now clear that Speaker of the House John "Orange Boner" Boehner can't control his own caucus. He proposed a gimmick he called "Plan B," which would have given radical right wing Rethugs in the House a way out of the "fiscal cliff" dilemma. It would have raised taxes only on people earning $1 million and up. The plan was an attempt to show the Rethugs were willing to raise taxes on "millionaires and billionaires" despite what the President has said.

But after meeting with his caucus and not receiving their support, Boehner threw in the towel, sending them home for the holidays. In effect, the radical tea bagger majority in the House Rethug caucus took an issue that could have put the President on the defensive and flushed it. Now, as the "fiscal cliff" approaches, the President and Dems can point to the radical, uncompromising House Rethuglicans as the defenders of the super rich at the expense of the middle class, whose taxes will go up on January 1. Retiring Rethug Rep. Steve LaTourette (OH), who has been bitterly critical of the Tea Party loons' takeover of his party, commented after the meeting,
"It's unbelievable, this is horrible. I'm angry, I'm sad for my friend the Speaker, and I'm sorry for the country. We deserve better."

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