Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Showdown in Michigan

Today is the day that the reactionary, Koch-backed anti-labor legislation will go to Michigan's Rethuglican Gov. Rick "On the Schneid" Snyder for signature. Thousands are now demonstrating against the legislation at the state capital in Lansing.

Passed by a lame-duck Michigan legislature containing several defeated Rethugs, the so-called "right-to-work" legislation would undermine generations of gains made by Michigan families. The attempt by the coin-operated Rethugs, doing the bidding of greedy corporate tycoons, is to not only upset whatever balance there is left in the workplace between employees and their employer, but to undermine a major source of financial and organizing power for the Democrats. As we noted Sunday, this is a pattern for Rethug Governors from Wisconsin's Scott "Koch Machine" Walker and Ohio's John "Johnny On The Spot" Kasich that is backed by the Koch front organization "Americans for (Plutocrat) Prosperity" and the shadowy right wing American Legislative Exchange Council, which provides State legislatures with cookie-cutter legislation friendly to large corporate interests and the one percenters.

In truth, "right-to-work" is a race to the bottom for middle class working families, where corporations bid down labor costs without fearing unionized resistance. It's true name should be "right-to-work-for-less," because that's exactly what will happen.