Monday, February 25, 2013

Crime Blotter, Red Beanie Edition

Hardly a day passes when a new scandal breaks in the Catholic Church hierarchy. Now, the senior Catholic Cardinal in the U.K., Keith O'Brien, Archbishop of Edinburgh and St. Andrews, has resigned amid allegations of 30 years of sexual misconduct by several priests. The 75 year old U.K. prelate was scheduled to retire in March, but Pope Benedict XVI speeded up O'Brien's departure, sparing the Pontiff from further embarrassment as his successor is about to be chosen as a result of his own resignation.

With Los Angeles' Cardinal Roger Mahony heading to Rome while facing serious charges that he covered up abuse by priests in his archdiocese and Boston's former Archbishop, pedophile protector Cardinal Bernard Law, firmly ensconced at the Vatican, the "princes of the Church" will certainly have a lot to reflect on.

Hypocrite AlertOf course, the carnal Cardinal O'Brien
"has been an outspoken opponent of gay rights, condemning homosexuality as immoral, opposing gay adoption, and most recently arguing that same-sex marriages would be 'harmful to the physical, mental and spiritual well-being of those involved'. Last year he was named 'bigot of the year' by the gay rights charity Stonewall."

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