The peckerwoods are out in force over at right-wing sites "Fox Nation" and "Hot Air", a-fussin' and a-fumin' over Michelle Obama's presentation of the Best Picture Oscar last night. Here, courtesy of LGF, are their deepest thoughts (the "Star Wars" references are the peckerwoods' idea of a clever joke, comparing the First Lady to a Wookie):
"At Fox Nation:
At least Moochell is crashing the oscars now… Probably not as much fun as crashing through the forest and terrorizing tent campers.At Hot Air:
Narcissists? Somewhere in the WH, the president has locked himself in a bathroom with a bottle of astroglide, a zucchini, and his press photos.
I wonder how many favors Barry had to call in to get that mule on stage.
Bought and paid for political plantation hor…
the First Wookie is with out a doubt and embarrassment to the nation, she has never held a real job, earned a dime herself or cares about this country, do not be surprised when George and Weezy are out of the White House she drops Barack quickly and gets her a NBA star.
The Obamas are like ill-bred ghettø kids who just won the lottery. Spendthrift, vulgar, irresponsible, and utterly filled with arrogant delusions of their own self-importance.
Ugh. I would sooner French kiss an Óràngután.
Good for Michelle. This is the least masculine she’s looked in years, and that mop of a haircut really makes her aboriginal good looks shine. Lucky, lucky Barry.
Like a prom dress on a mule.
this racist is sickening. she has no problem spending tax payers money. thank you skin, food stamp voters for the no class Whitehouse.
Reminds us very much of Marie Antoinette.
Barf-o-Rama. And even in an updo the bangs make her look like Rick James.Is there somebody or something that can drain this swamp?
Some country will make Obama king after he destroys Amerika.
What a hideous beast! What’s happened to our country? Is this some kind of freak-show or what- like Divinity eating poo off the sidewalk in that John Waters flick. My worst nightmare is a dream compared to this. Would someone please open the gates and let me out already?
Scientific studies show that animals are often attracted to shiny objects. just saying’.
I think Michelle has no intention of being an ex-monarch. This is all about her running for Senate and then president. After all, the transformation to socialism is not yet complete! Women like her and Hillary cannot stand to have their husbands accomplish more than they do.
I think The Onion had the wrong person.
Hey skank, half the country hates you. Go away. Tired of having to windex my TV everytime you muck it up.
Dr. Zira presented last night?
My proud ownership of male genitalia precludes the possibility of viewing Hollywood self-adorations. Apparently, this policy has spared me a di**-shrivelling moment.
Was there a tribute to Star Wars that I missed?
“All this for a flag?” -Mooch Obama
As happy as seeing Barak Obama murdered would make me, I think Id be happier if someone put a bullet in that fat pig of a wife."
(Image: visual approximation of the typical commenter on "Fox Nation" and "Hot Air.")
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