Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Rethug Makeover Attempt Continues

As we noted in yesterday's cartoon of the day commentary, the Rethugs are in makeover mode, after getting shellacked in two Presidential elections, and seeing Dems gain seats in the Senate and Rethugs losing seats in the House in 2012. However, the "Stupid Party" won't acknowledge that its problem is not the Todd Akins/Richard Mourdocks/Christine O'Donnells who represent the tea bagger base: it's their base itself, and the toxic nonsense they believe. The Rethug leadership probably knows their base is loony, but they need their votes and activism.

Today, in yet another attempt to "rebrand" the New Confederate/Rethuglican Party, House Majority Leader and obstructionist leader Eric "Cancer" Cantor will be giving his "ideas" for his Party's future messaging. Let's look into our crystal ball and summarize what he'll be saying:
1. The public isn't buying our reactionary policies;
2. Some of the nuts we've selected as candidates have been too honest about our positions and have failed to get elected; and
3. We need to do a better job of lying to the public in order to get elected.
There, now you won't have to suffer through Cancer's presentation.

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