Monday, March 4, 2013

Geraldo's Twittery

Mustaschioed buffoon and Fux celebrity numb nut Geraldo "Mr. Mustache" Rivera, a possible Rethuglican candidate for (it's OK to laugh) the U.S. Senate seat in New Jersey being vacated by Sen. Frank Lautenberg, thinks likely Dem candidate, Newark Mayor Cory Booker should tweet less. Sez Mr. Mustache in his, yes, tweet:
"Reading endless cascade of tweets from Newark's Mayor Booker one wonders whether any deed however humble goes unremarked?"
For a world-class publicity hound like Mr. Mustache to criticize someone, via Twitter, with an actual job for tweeting too much is hilarious. Maybe Mr. Mustache got whacked with a chair one too many times on his old TV circus show.

We're not great fans of Booker, who pulled a Judas number on the President last year about an Obama ad on Bain Capital, but anyone would be better than the clown who ended up with egg on his face after famously discovering that Al Capone's vault was empty -- much like Mr. Mustache's soul.

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