Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Ready for Bush III?

Former Florida Gov. John Ellis "J.E.B." Bush is making the rounds promoting his new book, appearing on the Today show yesterday where he was coy about his 2016 Presidential aspirations. When asked by Matt Lauer about 2016, J.E.B. said he wouldn't rule out a run. What is it about the Royal Bushies that they feel the Presidency is a family heirloom to be passed from one to another? How noble of a third Bushie to consider a run for the Presidency, given how well that worked out the first two times!

Embarrassingly for him, J.E.B. was caught in a major flip-flop on the subject of immigration. His just-published book calls for a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, but in his interviews he's trimming back, because his relatively moderate position laid out in his book doesn't square with the base of the Party, which turns out in force for the primaries he'd have to win. Oh well, there's always the Etch-A-Sketch strategy, right J.E.B.?

(photo: America, is we learning?)