Saturday, March 9, 2013

Saturday Morning Reading - Austerity Fail (Again)

Here's Paul Krugman on the enormous success abject failure of British Conservative PM David Cameron's austerity policies in the past 4 years.  Is it possible the always- behind- the- curve "mainstream media" is picking up on such indicators?  We're noticing a slight wiggle in the Beltway Conventional Wisdom (though not especially on the editorial page of the once great Washington Post Kaplan Daily), indicating that maybe,  just maybe austerity (in the form of sequestration and deficit hawking/Grand Bargaining) might not be the tonic for the economy that the Rethug-wired CW has heretofore been pushing.  But it still remains a delivered fact for much of the Georgetown salon crowd that we have to get that gummint spending under control!  Keynes who?

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