Saturday, March 9, 2013

Today In Gun Nuttery

South Dakota's Rethuglican Governor  Dennis "The Menace" Daugaard has signed a bill authorizing teachers to carry guns in class.  Not surprisingly, the bill was strongly lobbied by the National Rifle Shoot Up Your School Association, who have been pushing more guns everywhere as a solution to gun violence.  What these wing nuts don't seem to get is that it's not "the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun," it's that the vast majority of Americans don't want bad guys to have guns in the first place.  Let's be clear:  bad guys having guns is OK with the gun lobby, as witness their opposition to any universal background checks, including at gun shows.

Meanwhile in decent America, 26 cyclists, calling themselves "Team 26" and representing each of the victims at Sandy Hook Elementary,  are traveling from Newtown, CT to Washington, DC from March 9 - 12 to draw attention to the need for stricter gun laws.   They'll be stopping for several rallies along the way, and will be joined in College Park, MD by a cycling team from Virginia Tech as they approach Washington.

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