Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Uh, You Lost The Election, Remember?

Failed Vice Presidential candidate and tea bagger hero Rep. Paul "Lyin'" Ryan (R-Galt's Gulch), who chairs the House Budget Committee, released his budget for FY 2014 and it's merely a re-hash of all of the bad ideas that the voters rejected in the 2012 elections.   Lyin', who is oddly regarded by the Beltway media as a serious budget wonk, put together a budget that won't get a single Democratic vote in the Senate (and possibly not an overwhelming number of Rethug votes, considering how it treats Medicare).  The premise of his budget is to pile tax cuts on the wealthy and cut programs for the middle class and poor, while repealing the Affordable Care Act, something that Fux "News" Sunday's Chris Wallace said to Lyin's face, is "not going to happen."

So once again he's presented a partisan, ideological budget that will only pass the House by virtue of the tea bagger caucus pushing it,  with no bipartisan support or chance of passage in the Senate.  He's forgotten that he and Lord Mittens lost the election just  four months ago, an election which both sides said would represent a clear choice over our country's direction.  They made that choice, and Lyin' should respect it.

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