Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Rethug Rebranding: "The South Will Rise Again'" Dept.

There used to be an old facetious saying about the Confederacy that went, "Save your Confederate money, boys, the South will rise again."  Maybe Rethug legislators in North Carolina haven't gotten the message that their side lost the Civil War, because they've sponsored legislation that would allow North Carolina to nullify Federal laws and adopt a State religion.  Although we've found that right wing radicals are impervious to historical fact and law, the nullification issue was resolved over the issue of slavery and "States' rights" during the Civil War, and adoption of a State religion is in direct conflict with the First Amendment of the Constitution.

This is the "grass roots" Rethuglican/New Confederate/Stupid Party in action.  It's one that the national Rethug Party would rather we ignore, so that their charade of "rebranding" after their defeat in 2012 can continue.  No way.  Almost every state that has a majority Rethuglican legislature (North Dakota and Arkansas on abortion restrictions, Florida and Pennsylvania on voting rights restrictions, etc.) is involved in some reactionary, discriminatory action to try to thwart the majority opinion.  It won't stop because it's in their toxic DNA.

BONUS:   More rebranding -- War on Women Edition.

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