Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The NRA's Depraved Scheme For Schools

The cesspool of paranoia and depravity that is referred to as the "National Rifle Association" released a "report" today allegedly on school safety, but it could have been as easily titled "Let's Buy More Guns."  Calling for arming school personnel, the report claims that a 40 to 60 hour training session would give armed school teachers, etc. the means to thwart a Sandy Hook-style massacre.  It's a dressed up version of NRA Reichminister Wayne "Insane" LaPierre's idiotic "the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun." How about not letting the bad guys get guns in the first place, say, through rigorous background checks supported by 91% of the public?

Undoubtedly, Congresscritters will use the report as a good faith document to justify further watering down of gun control legislation, when in fact it's nothing more than a sales pitch by gun and ammo makers.  What's next, plans for theater safety....mall safety....stadium safety....?

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