Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tiger Beat Fave Bobby Jindal Tanking

 As reported by No More Mister Nice Blog:


But ... but ... but I thought Bobby Jindal was the future of the Republican Party!
Gov. Bobby Jindal's approval rating dropped from 51 percent in October to just under 38 percent in March due to voter dissatisfaction with state fiscal and education policies, according to a poll released Tuesday...."
We're sure Politico (a.k.a., Tiger Beat on the Potomac -- Charles Pierce, you're a genius!) likes to think of itself as a kingmaker in national politics;  it loves to tout Jindal as the Great White Tan Hope of the Rethuglican Party (when it's not touting Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, etc.).  As NMMNB points out, the things that have led to Jindal's approval rating being lower than that of President Obama... in Louisiana!... were his tax swap plan, cuts to higher education and health care, school vouchers, and privatizing the state's public hospitals.  In other words, "... the entire right-wing policy agenda."

How could Politico have missed that?  Guess it wasn't shiny enough.

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