Saturday, May 4, 2013

Enough Said

You only have to consider the list of some of the crackpot speakers at the National Rifle Rampage Association's annual meeting in Houston to see what a fringe outfit they are:  Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Ted Nugent, Ted Cruz, and Rick Santorum among other nutzoids.

Capt. (USN-Ret.) Mark Kelly, former astronaut and husband of Gabby Giffords, has this op-ed in the Houston Chronicle to note that the more guns were sold, the more money the NRA got from the gun manufacturers, and the more money the NRA got, the higher the salaries of the likes of Wayne "Insane Wayne" LaPierre (who makes nearly $1 million a year).  The days when the NRA represented hunters and sportsmen are long gone, replaced by a cash-and-carry lobbying operation focused exclusively on keeping gun sales going strong.

BONUS:  Get a load of the load who's the incoming president of the NRA (he's from Alabammy and likes to refer to the Civil War as the "War of Northern Aggression").