Friday, May 31, 2013

Let Them Eat Tax Breaks

House Rethuglicans -- never shy about cutting programs for the vulnerable and powerless -- recently voted to slash the food stamp program (the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program) which provides assistance to some 50 million Americans.  The Senate is now looking at restoring some or all of the House cuts.  Paul Krugman had this observation in the New York Times today:
"Look, I understand the supposed rationale: We’re becoming a nation of takers, and doing stuff like feeding poor children and giving them adequate health care are just creating a culture of dependency — and that culture of dependency, not runaway bankers, somehow caused our economic crisis. But I wonder whether even Republicans really believe that story — or at least are confident enough in their diagnosis to justify policies that more or less literally take food from the mouths of hungry children. As I said, there are times when cynicism just doesn’t cut it; this is a time to get really, really angry."
As pure obstruction is the goal of the tea bagger-dominated Rethuglican Party, it's unlikely that the food stamp program will stay whole, along with other programs aiding the working poor and middle class.  But watch them all get on board when they vote for corporate tax cuts or new loopholes for their wealthy benefactors.

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