Sunday, May 26, 2013

Missy's "Ms." Problem

Rethuglican Senate Minority Leader and human/turtle hybrid Sen. Mitch "Missy" McConnell (R- Kaintuck) is up for reelection in 2014, and he's running scared again (well, as fast as a turtle can run).  A month or so ago, it was actress and activist Ashley Judd that had Missy wetting his panties about a Democratic challenger.  Now, it's businesswoman and champion of disabled veterans Heather French Henry (who happens to be the 2000 Miss America and wife of the former Lieutenant Governor of Kentucky). As the linked article notes, Missy's smear artists are already hard at work trying to paint Ms. Henry as a lightweight and wife of an ethically-challenged politician.

What Missy & Co. don't seem to realize is that with every female Dem candidate floated as a potential opponent, his attack poodles go over the top in their smear campaigns.  At some point, Kentucky women (and honorable men) will have big problems with Missy's politics of personal destruction.  This is not to say Missy isn't the odds-on favorite to retain his seat.  It's simply another glaring example of the Rethugs' contempt for progressive women seeking to influence public policy (how far back do we have to go?  Eleanor Roosevelt would do).

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