Sunday, May 26, 2013

Today's GOP? "Reagan Couldn't Have Made It"

Here's what former Republican Senator Bob Dole, the party's presidential nominee in 1996 and a WWII disabled veteran, had to say today on Fox "News" Sunday (h/t AmericaBlog):
BOB DOLE: I think they ought to put a sign on the national committee [the RNC]: ‘Doors closed for repairs until New Years Day,’ and spend that time going over ideas and positive agendas.”
CHRIS WALLACE: Could people like Bob Dole, even Ronald Reagan, could you make it in today’s republican party?
BOB DOLE: I doubt it. Reagan couldn’t have made it. Certainly Nixon could have made it because he has ideas. We might have made it, but I doubt it.
CHRIS WALLACE: Too moderate, too willing to compromise?
BOB DOLE: I just consider myself a Republican, not all this hyphenated stuff. I was a mainstream conservative Republican, most people are in that category.  (our emphasis)
As we've said before, the "mainstream media" has been missing ignoring the biggest political story of the last 40 years:  the radicalization of the Republican Party.  Instead, we get a media that is so Rethuglican-wired that stuff like this gets into the national bloodstream.

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