Monday, May 6, 2013

Quote of the Day

"Let them find a grave for this guy. Or leave his family alone until they decide what in hell they should do with his remains. Let's not give ourselves over to the culture of masturbatory empathy encouraged by the dimwits who run our television networks. Stop telling haircuts with cameras how you feel about the whole thing. Stop taking your emotions out for a walk. Stop being part of the great We that our media creates in order to excuse itself for not doing its real job, and for begging us to release the worst angels of our nature in time for the May sweeps."  --'s Charles Pierce, going after the  "made for TV outrage" that's appearing on the streets of Worcester, MA (Pierce's home town) over trying to find a grave for Tamerlan Tsarnaev.  Our broken media is doing it's shameful best to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

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