Monday, June 3, 2013

"Mr. Grand Theft Auto" Issa

Former Obama advisor David Plouffe took some 600 grit sandpaper to California Rethug Rep. Darrell "GTA" Issa's posterior, after Issa called White House spokesman Jay Carney a "paid liar" on CNN's "State of the Union" this past weekend:

Issa, of course, is the chief inquisitor sleazeball entrusted with investigatin' those jackbooted IRS criminals who have been taking orders from the Kenyan in the White House, as we're sure Mr. Grand Theft Auto will make up  insinuate  prove.

BONUS:  BooMan wraps it up nicely:
His business partner thought he lit their building on fire and Issa blamed his brother for the car thefts. One of the things I like about David Plouffe is that he doesn't let stuff like that go. If Issa wants to make unfounded accusations about the administration then he's going to get brushed back. It's my understanding that Mr. Issa is the richest member of Congress, more wealthy even than Secretary of State John Kerry, the heir to the Heinz ketchup fortune. He made his money with those annoying "please step away from the car" alarms. I guess it takes a thief to deter a thief.   (our emphasis)

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