Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Republican War on Women, Cont'd.

House Rethuglicans are pushing another "war on women" measure that would ban all abortions -- even those resulting from rape and incest -- after 20 weeks.  One of the bill's authors is crackpot Arizona Rep. Trent "Beans and" Franks,  who had this mind-boggling statement yesterday:
“The incidence of rape resulting in pregnancy are very low.”
Thank you, Beans and Franks, but you frankly don't know beans about the subject.  As noted here, there are estimates ranging from 32,000 to 83,000 pregnancies each year arising from rape.  Roughly one-third of the victims don't realize they're pregnant until the second trimester, beyond the 20 week limitation the Rethugs want to impose.

Once again, Rethuglican male politicians have weighed in on rape and pregnancy, displaying their bottomless ignorance as they attempt to dictate what women may do with their own bodies.  All together now,  Freedumb!!

BONUS:  Here's another Rethuglican male expert on wimmin, who thinks men's brains understand health care costs better.  If the guy only had a brain to begin with....

BONUS II:   Texas Rethug dimbulb Gov. Rick "Hair" Perry wants to make sure Texas women can't have it too easy when it comes to equal pay.

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