Saturday, July 6, 2013

Father Knows Best Republicanism

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(Tony Auth, via

With Rethuglican-controlled legislatures and governors mansions across the nation rushing to regulate women's reproductive health (while in Texas, for example, eschewing regulation of dangerous fertilizer plants), the stage is being set for court challenges leading to the Supreme Court's review of Roe v. Wade.  That's been the goal of the ALEC-sponsored unconstitutional nuttery finding its way into state laws:
The measures are part of a wave of abortion limits passed this year by conservative lawmakers and governors, who have approved more than 40 restrictions in statehouses around the country, according to data from the Guttmacher Institute, which tracks the issue.

The push has been aided by the expanded control of state governments by Republicans, who now hold a majority of governerships and legislatures and who enjoy veto-proof majorities in twice as many states as Democrats.
Rethuglicans never equate a defeat at the polls for a defeat of their agenda, and neither should progressives.  The gains made by Rethugs in 2010's low-turnout off-year elections -- following their losses in 2006 and 2008 -- have led directly to this outcome in state after state.  Progressives need to make sure they're organized and energized in 2014 (or 2013 in Virginia!) to begin to reverse the tide of reactionary, father knows best Republicanism.

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