Thursday, August 1, 2013

Look Out, Mitch, Cont'd.

The latest polling shows Senate Rethuglican minority "leader" and human-turtle hybrid Sen. Mitch "Missy" McConnell running neck-and-neck with likely Dem opponent Alison Lundergan Grimes, with Grimes holding a slight 45 - 44 lead.  (It's worth recalling Alison's great TV ad).  Granted, polling 15 months before the election doesn't predict the outcome of the election, but it shows how unpopular Missy is in Kentucky.  His job approval/disapproval numbers are underwater:  40 percent approving to 51 percent disapproving, plus he's facing a tea bagger primary challenge.

There's no question that any Dem running for statewide office in Kentucky -- a deeply red state -- starts at a disadvantage.  But it's good to see Missy running scared.  It means that he'll be staking out more and more radical right positions to appease the hard right teabagger base, which will turn off most independents and whatever moderate Rethuglicans remain.

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