Thursday, August 1, 2013

Snowden Given Asylum By Putin

Fugitive NSA leaker and Ron Paul devotee Edward "Shoot My Balls" Snowden has been granted one year of asylum by Russia, and has left Moscow's transit terminal for parts unknown in Russia.  Never missing an opportunity to stick his thumb in the U.S.'s eye, Russian leader Vladimir Putin apparently thinks the information remaining to be gathered from Snowden is more valuable than an improvement in relations with the U.S.  We'll see how the Administration responds to Russia's slap, but it may start with the cancellation of a meeting between President Obama and Putin in September.

Snowden will soon learn that Russia's no libertarian paradise, although he'll certainly be treated royally as long as he volunteers information about the U.S.'s electronic intelligence gathering methods and projects.  When his usefulness has passed, then perhaps they'll follow Snowden's view on how leakers should be treated.

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