Monday, August 19, 2013

More Lies From Rethugs on Obamacare

On CNN yesterday, Candy Crowley was interviewing Rethuglican Rep. and bad liar Justin "The Fibber" Amash about the provision of the Affordable Care Act that prevents health insurance companies from denying coverage to people with pre-existing conditions like diabetes or heart disease.  Perhaps The Fibber thought he was talking to his Party base of gullible mouthbreathers when he claimed that "some" insurance companies already allow people with pre-existing conditions to get coverage.  As the linked article notes, roughly 25 percent of people under 65 said that they or a family member have been denied coverage or had their premiums jacked up due to a pre-existing condition, according to a study earlier this year. (Fortunately, Obamacare covers burns from having your pants on fire).

Rethuglican Congresscritters are doing everything to undermine "Obamacare" because they know that once all of its provisions take effect -- with some important ones taking effect in October -- the public will embrace the program as they did Social Security and Medicare in the past.  That will be yet another major quality of life improvement that the Rethugs not only can't claim credit for, but one that they fought bitterly.

BONUS:  Read Paul Krugman's piece on the inevitability of Obamacare, and the price Rethugs will pay for obstructing it.