Thursday, August 15, 2013

Republicans Aren't Racist, Cont'd.

Reactionary bigot Rep. Steve "Out of Stock" Stockman (Klanville-TX) apparently can't get enough of hatin' on the Muslim Kenyan usurper that the sane world recognizes as President Obama.  Now, he's inviting the rodeo clown (in more ways than one) from the Missouri State Fair to Texas, you know, the one that dressed up as President Obama and stood in the center ring of the rodeo encouraging the bull to run him over (the clown was banned for life from the Missouri State Fair, btw).

As Out of Stock has proven, not all rodeo clowns are in the rodeo.  He just needs a white hood and sheet to complete his outfit.

BONUS:  Far-right Rethug Rep. Steve "Lying" King -- of the infamous Latino-immigrants-have-calves-like-cantaloupes fame, says this incident "isn't about race."  Well, that settles it IS.

(photos: AP, click to enlarge)

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