Monday, August 26, 2013

The Silicon Valley's New Right-Wing Players

Salon's RJ Eskow has 6 examples of offensive actions or statements  by some of America's new "titans" of industry, including Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg and Google's Marissa Mayer.  We're highlighting these two in particular because they're leaders in a cutting-edge industry (information technology for lack of a better term) that one supposes would be led by forward-thinking, progressive people, right?  Um, not necessarily.

On Krispy Kreme Christie bud (and baby libertarian?) Mark Zuckerberg's super-PAC:
The super-PAC’s first initiative is supposed to be immigration reform. But the group’s been running ads and making other efforts to support a hard-right political agenda, directly and through subsidiaries called Americans for Conservative Action and Council for American Job Growth. One ad features conservative Republican Marco Rubio. Others oppose Obamacare and promote the environmentally destructive Keystone XL pipeline.
On Marissa Mayer's participation on the Walmart board of directors and Google's involvement in far-right causes:
Mayer had the chance to meet with Walmart workers who were unjustly fired after protesting the corporation’s policies, but she refused to speak with them. She had them arrested instead.

Mayer’s public silence doesn’t just extend to mistreated Walmart workers. She prefers to let others do her political talking, too. Yahoo! is part of Zuckerberg’s right-wing super-PAC. It also reportedly remained in the Koch brothers far-right American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), even after many other corporations publicly left the group over its extremist policies.
Apparently, Silicon Valley is in some danger of turning into Galt's Gulch.

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