Sunday, September 29, 2013

Boehner's Leadership Fail

David Ignatius writes today about the weakness of Speaker Weeper of the House John "Mr. Tangerine Man" Boehner in the once great Washington Post  Bezos Bugle:
We are seeing the consequences of a leaderless House in the GOP’s renewed threat of a government shutdown or debt-ceiling default. These reckless actions are part of a grandstand play to reverse the Affordable Care Act, more parts of which begin to take effect in October, but they’ve assumed an illogic of their own. The House Republicans seem almost to enjoy holding the country hostage. Their version of Russian roulette has become so familiar that we forget just how outrageous it is.

Boehner surely knows this course is folly. Legislation to defund Obamacare won’t pass Congress. And the GOP’s brinkmanship, however popular with the right wing, is damaging the party nationally. Boehner this week struggled to find an alternative strategy — to avoid a shutdown by delaying Obamacare a year, or by attaching the defunding plan to the debt-ceiling extension. Both were seriously bad ideas, but even these extreme proposals were rejected by his caucus.
Ignatius also mentions the sleazy backroom role of unfaithful lieutenant and Rethug Majority Leader Eric "Cancer" Cantor in undermining attempts by Boehner to rein in his Crackpot Caucus.   Frankly, we can't remember a time when a Speaker has been so unable or unwilling to control his members.  But, then again, we can't remember a time when members included such dolts and extremists as Louie Gohmert, Steve King, Michele Bachmann, and their entire teatard cohort.

(Image:  It takes a strong man to cry... except in John Boehner's case.)

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