Monday, September 9, 2013

More "Secessionist" Stupidity

The formerly great Washington Post Bezos Bugle has a story of some local yahoos who want five counties in western Maryland to secede from the State of Maryland and form their own "state." (ed. note:  the region's main products being rednecks and....rednecks).  Pouting that they can't have their way every time, the wingers want to sever ties with Annapolis, which they view as too librul.

This is the wingnut movement in a nutshell (pun intended):  a minority that's been brainwashed by years of hate radio and manipulated by right-wing economic elites can't win elections on the merits, and instead has to resort to (your pick) secession, voter suppression and intimidation, or district gerrymandering.

(photo:  Western Maryland's proposed Congressional delegation?)

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