Tuesday, September 17, 2013

WSJ: Drop The Obamacare Defunding Gambit So You Can Beat Up On The Poors

The Republican establishment editorial board of the Wall Street Journal has a moment of sanity on the Republican "defund Obamacare" suicide pact :

We’ve often supported backbenchers who want to push GOP leaders in a better policy direction, most recently on the farm bill. But it’s something else entirely to sabotage any plan with a chance of succeeding and pretend to have “leverage” that exists only in the world of townhall applause lines and fundraising letters.

And in the next breath wants us to know what's really important to them:
The best option now is for the GOP to unite behind a budget strategy that can hold 218 votes, keeping the sequester pressure of discretionary spending cuts on Democrats to come to the table on entitlements. The sequester is a rare policy victory the GOP has extracted from Mr. Obama, and it is squeezing liberal constituencies that depend on federal cash.   (our emphasis)
"A rare policy victory," if by "victory" you mean bringing misery to millions of your fellow Americans.  And that's exactly what they mean.

(h/t Washington Monthly)


  1. TGYB(thank god you're back)! P.E.C.

  2. Thankew, thankew very much. My much older sibling should be back tomorrow.
