Thursday, October 17, 2013

Post-Apocalypse Rethuglican Paranoid Syndrome

"He's [Obama] trying to destroy the Republican party, not to get good policies." -- Rep. Raul Labrador (Tea Party-IDiot).  Actually, Republicans are doing a damn good job of destroying the Republican Party without any help from Democrats or Obama.

So [Obama’s] looking to immigration, he’s looking to carbon taxes and other stuff in the future. If he can split the Republicans in the House, essentially, he regains control of the two houses of Congress and he might be able to enact his agenda. I think that’s what he’s up to." --  right-wing Obama Derangement Syndrome sufferer Charles "Kraphammer" KrauthammerObama might be "up to" enacting his agenda.  Hmmm.  What a curious thing for a twice-elected president to do, Inspector Kraphammer!

Look for more of this "them and us", "hang together or hang separately" messaging coming out of parts of the fractured New Confederate/ Rethuglican/ Stupid Party.  You can almost smell the desperation.