Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Next McCarthy Quote of the Day

"Some will argue that Mr. Obama, as president, should remain above any personal confrontation with a single senator low on the totem pole as a freshman, leaving it to the Republicans to deal with Mr. Cruz. Such a presidential intervention, it will be said, will only elevate the brash Texan in the national spotlight, encouraging him to engage with Mr. Obama as a political equal.  But in the 1950s, Eisenhower learned the hard way that trying to ignore Joe McCarthy only encouraged him to press on with his phony attacks on communist infiltration of the Eisenhower State Department and elsewhere. Cruzism has not yet sunk to similar depths today. But the looks and smell of it are all too familiar to any observers of the era of McCarthyism still around." -- long-time political observer Jules Witcover, writing in the Baltimore Sun (emphasis added).

The most disgusting and troubling thing we saw was Tailgunner Ted's triumphal return to his sheeple in Tex-ass, who buy his lie that if only the Senate Rethugs had risen up like the teabaggers in the House, "Obamacare" would have been defunded.  His behavior goes beyond the normal political horse manure and verges on a kind of narcissistic megalomania.  Whatever it is, he's going to cause even more damage if he's not pulled up short.

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