Monday, October 21, 2013

More Polling: Obamacare Favored Over Republicans

From a new CNN/ ORC poll:
According to the survey, 54% say it's a bad thing that the GOP controls the House, up 11 points from last December, soon after the 2012 elections when the Republicans kept control of the chamber. Only 38% say it's a good thing the GOP controls the House, a 13-point dive from the end of last year.

This is the first time since the Republicans won back control of the House in the 2010 elections that a majority say their control of the chamber is bad for the country.  (our emphasis)
And Obamacare?
Even though they lost this round, conservatives vow to continue their fight to dismantle Obamacare. And they point to major troubles with the rollout of the website where Americans without insurance can enroll in the new health care exchanges. [...]

According to the poll, just more than four in 10 say they favor the law, with 56% opposed to it.
But of those opposed, 38% say they are against the law because they think it's too liberal and 12% say it's not liberal enough. That means that 53% either support Obamacare, or say it's not liberal enough.
As the Captain Ahabs of the crackpot right continue their obsession with Moby Obamacare, we're reminded of Starbuck's words to Ahab: "Moby Dick seeks thee not. It is thou, thou, that madly seekest him!"

To which we can only add, "Please proceed, Captain Ahab!"

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