Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Today's Republican Rout... and the Schadenfreude

As we prepare to see the New Confederate/ Republican/ Stupid Party surrender at Appomattox in the House, HuffPo has some of the media take, which over time will become the accepted, irrefutable  narrative of this Republican disaster:
Politico called Boehner's efforts a "disaster."
The Washington Post described it as a "humiliating failure," and said Boehner and his leadership colleagues had " lost all control of their majority."
An editorial from the arch-conservative Wall Street Journal board fumed about the GOP strategy, saying that the House caucus "might as well hand the Speaker's gavel to Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid" and urging Republicans to give up their fight.
Things were not much better on the morning shows.
"After a shutdown that lasted 16 days, a shutdown led by House the end of today, those Republicans may leave with little to nothing to show for it," NBC's Peter Alexander said.

"House Republicans are the clear losers," was how ABC's Jon Karl put it. "They pushed to the brink and have nothing to show for it.
If it hadn't affected so damn many innocent people and put the well-being of our nation at peril, you'd be tempted to pop the champagne corks.  Also, it's useful to remember, as we take pleasure in their misfortune, that these miserable clowns aren't going anywhere soon.  There will be more destructive mischief from them in the future, count on it.

But, because life is short and uncertain, and we may never see the likes of this again, allow us a little schadenfreude: