Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Cruzin' For A Brusin'

Many right-wing fanatics are angry over their hero, Tex-ass demagogue Sen. "Tailgunner" Ted Cruz's folding on the vote to open the Government and extend the debt ceiling into next year.  After his infamous meeting with Teathuglican House members urging them to "stand fast" earlier this week at the Capitol Hill restaurant "Tortilla Coast", where Rethug House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy was actually sitting at another table but not invited (!) to Tailgunner's "secret" meeting, Cruz is now seen as the most hated man on Capitol Hill for his self-serving grandstanding and for his willingness to throw his fellow Stupid Party members under the bus as he runs for cover and tries to save his political scalp.

Couldn't happen to a more despicable clown.

BONUS:  Weigel says the knives are already out in the wingnutosphere for Sen. Mitch "Missy" McConnell and "Mr. Tangerine Man" Boehner:
But you can already see how the conservative base will remember this episode. It won't be a story of Republicans making a huge strategic error and bumbling into an Obamacare-defunding fight without the votes to ever win. It will be a story of wimpy party leaders selling out. The shutdown would have been winnable if they hadn't sold out.
"Winnable."  Riiiiight!

(photos:  Tailgunner Ted and Tailgunner Joe McCarthy:  reincarnation on display)