"Nothing positive will be achieved by prolonging this shutdown any longer, or crossing the debt limit threshold. It’s time for my colleagues to face reality." -- Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (WA)The only regret is that the 2014 mid-term elections aren't this November, because many Americans (cough low-information voters cough) have a short memory.
"This party is going nuts. So many people I run into who are normal people -- and I hate to use that term -- they just can't understand what's going on. On this one they can't even see both sides. They just think Republicans are crazy. That's it. They see no justification for any of this." -- Rep. Peter King (NY)
“Republicans have to understand we have lost this battle, as I predicted weeks ago, that we would not be able to win because we were demanding something that was not achievable.” -- Sen. John McCain (AZ)
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Quotable Quotes
The Teathuglicans have tarnished their party so badly that, despite cynical and transparent photo ops by Sen. "Tailgunner" Ted Cruz and Winky Palin, the public knows who is to blame for this manufactured crisis (74% oppose the Stupid Party's tactics). Savor the humiliation of the teabaggers as the vote in the House today is expected to accept the Senate bill to re-open the Government and lift the debt limit. Some thoughts from some nominally sane Rethugs: