Friday, November 8, 2013

CBS and Benghazi! BENGHAZI!!

Ever since former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton emerged as the odds-on favorite to be the next Dem nominee for President (and very possibly the next President), Rethugs have been frantic to amplify their specious allegations over the terrorist attack on our Benghazi consulate on September 11, 2012.  If Clinton can be severely tarnished by the episode which occurred on her watch, they reasoned, we can gain a political advantage over her.  They were aided not only by the Wingnut Wurlitzer (Fux, hate radio, etc.) in their attempts, but by some in the Beltway media, including most recently CBS.

CBS's "60 Minutes" segment on October 27 was a textbook case of a false story planted for political purposes.  The source for the story -- using a false name -- had already been outed as a liar to his own employer.  Some cursory digging by home-wrecking reporter Lara "Lara Croft" Logan might have saved her this humiliating mea culpa on CBS This Morning today for her false reporting.  A number of veteran journalists smelled a fraud within a few days of the "60 Minutes" report. Even the once great Washington Post Bezos Bugle was on to the fraud.  Sad that the network of Edward R. Murrow, Eric Severeid, and Walter Cronkite is becoming a sewer pipe for right-wing disinformation, thanks to the "reporting" of types like Lara Croft Logan.

BONUS:  Of course, Logan seems to have had an ax to grind  isn't a neutral observer (h/t Ed Kilgore, Washington Monthly)

(photo: We See B.S., too)

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