Monday, November 11, 2013

More Media Malpractice - Sunday Shows Edition

More today on the CBS/ 60 Minutes/ Lara Logan clusterf**k on Benghazi!  Benghazi!!  BENGHAZI!!!  We especially like this summation of why CBS, the great Ed Murrow's flagship, has sunk to its newest low:
CBS is running its own little wingnut grift mill to separate the rubes from their money. Unfortunately the company seems to have forgotten that people still turn to its flagship news program for actual news. This is what happens when you put a bunch of Faux News idiots in charge and they get outside the right-wing media bubble into what the rest of us refer to as “reality.”
CBS is running its own little wingnut grift mill to separate the rubes from their money. Unfortunately the company seems to have forgotten that people still turn to its flagship news program for actual news. This is what happens when you put a bunch of Faux News idiots in charge and they get outside the right-wing media bubble into what the rest of us refer to as “reality.”
...CBS is running its own little wingnut grift mill [Threshold Editions] to separate the rubes from their money.  Unfortunately the company seems to have forgotten that people still turn to its flagship news program [60 Minutes] for actual news.  This is what happens when you put a bunch of Faux News idiots in charge...
Didn't know ex-Faux News people were in charge at CBS?  We forgot, too.  But it helps explain things at bit better, and why the "nopology" from Lara "Lara Croft" Logan last night was what it was (which, btw, hasn't been received too kindly by media critics).

Over at Press the Meat, Dancin' Dave Gregory was having multiple orgasms tongue-bathing interviewing Gov. Chris "Krispycreme" Christie (R-Savior) and crapping on weak-kneed Defeatocrat Secretary of State Kerry.  The pundit panel over at This Week with George Steponaflagpinopoulos was also busy further inflating (hee-hee) the Governor's persona.  Virtually Speaking summarizes the idiocy:
So Chris Christie is a magical reincarnation of TR, because John Kerry did not make a deal with Iran, it proves he is too trusting, Obama use of Seal Teams, drones, bombs in Libya and threats to strike Syria, show he is reluctant to exercise military power, and if, in the next few weeks, Republicans do not suddenly change their minds and love Obamacare and start to work with the President for the first time, it will wreck the President's credibility and his entire second term. And that's the most ridiculous thing that happened this Sunday.
That's your "liberal media" right there, America.  Sic transit gloria, y'all.

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