Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Another Climate Expert, Uh, Weighs In

As we noted below, right wingers are seeing the polar temperatures across North America and declaring climate change a "hoax."  Now, porcine hate radio yakker Rush Limpballs is theorizing that the "polar vortex" phenomenon causing the dip in the jet stream is a creation of the…wait for it….librul media.  Dr. Limpballs is, of course, insulated from the cold thanks to massive layers of lard, but he wants the rest of us to know that the media is conspiring to sell us on global warming by explaining away the frigid temps.

We're thankful that Dr. Limpballs has added his weight to the debate on climate change.  Perhaps the considerable hot air that he generates can create a counter  effect and bring us some springtime temperatures.

BONUS:  We hear from a real meteorologist.

(image:  We smell bacon.)

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