Saturday, January 4, 2014

Rehab Ends for Snow Nose

Freshman teabagger Congressman Trey "Snow Nose" Radel has come out of a 28-day in-patient rehab for his conviction in 2013 for misdemeanor possession of cocaine.  Snow Nose says he's ready to get back in the business of, you know, cracking down on gummint abuse and fightin' for freedumb to… uh….snort coke?

Snow Nose faces some tough times in his own state of Florida, where the State Rethuglican party has called for him to step down, as has the Rethug Governor and Voldemort impersonator Rick Scott.  For the former right-wing radio jock and local Fux personality, that's a real coke poke in the nose.

(photo:  "I just look like I'm on drugs…..")