Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Rethuglican War on Women, Cont'd.

House Rethuglicans are pushing a bill, HR 7, that would open the door to IRS audits of rape and incest victims having legal abortions, among other outrages.  Think Progress gets to the heart of the offensive provision:
 "...HR 7 eliminates medical-expense deductions for abortion care, essentially raising taxes on the women who opt to have an abortion. Like many abortion restrictions, this provision includes an exemption for victims of rape and incest, as well as women who encounter life-threatening complications from their pregnancies. But in order to enforce those exceptions, the IRS would have to verify that the women who are claiming a medical-expense deduction for an abortion fall into one of those three categories, to ensure they’re not committing tax fraud." (emphasis added)
The bill is being pushed through the House's Judiciary Committee, headed by Neanderthal teahadist Rep. Bob Goodlatte, who said just yesterday that restricting abortion rights would be a way of creating jobs, when research points to the opposite.  Actually, the best jobs program would be to replace obstructionist wingnuts like Goodlatte with people whose minds aren't stuck in the 19th century.

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